Sunday, August 21, 2011

Social Issues – Where I stand = Social Conservative

I realize the Courtland BOS position for Spotsylvania County is a local position and how I stand on many of the social issues below may not impact our County – but I also believe the character of the person you vote for is important.  You never know in this day and age when any social issue will be at your very own back door. 
So . . . FOR THE RECORD, in black and white  – below is how I stand, and what I would support whole heartedly in regard to social issues in Spotsylvania.
Pro-LIFE – I believe life starts at conception.
Taxpayer’s money should never be used to support even a single abortion.
I would like to see Roe V. Wade reversed in the future.
Planned Parenthood should be defunded in Virginia.  If you have not watched Lila Rose’s Live Action videos of our very own State of Virginia’s Planned Parenthood – please take a look at it truly is shocking for anyone, especially parents to watch.
I am for individual citizen’s property rights.  Eminent domain (the governments taking of personal property) should be a last resort to a problem, never a first and never taken lightly.  I do not understand the majority in the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling, Kelo v. new London (2005)  in which it was ruled that the Government could use Eminent Domain for “Commercial” reasons.  I would NEVER support this on the SPOTSY BOS! 

For Parental rights – it is completely outrageous that I must sign a permission form at the high school my children attend for them to take over the counter drugs and have a Doctor sign the same form – but my daughter may obtain an abortion without my knowledge if the correct paperwork is filed.  Crazy. 
I support the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which our President has informed the Department of Justice not to enforce.  I’m not sure how someone sworn to protect and defend the Constitution can decide what laws to enforce and that our Nation does not have to enforce all laws, but I digress. 
I believe marriage should be defined as between one man and one woman only.  I believe families are the core building block to a strong Nation, State, and County.
I believe our tax laws should incentivize marriage, not be a disincentive to marriage.   Hypothetically, a married couple who had 2 children and divorced on paper and gave each other one child’s custody rights and nothing else changed, they could both file as head of household and pay less taxes than if they filed “married filing jointly” as a married couple at certain income levels. 
I believe in the right to bear arms as given in the second amendment to the Constitution.  I am a member of the NRA and personally have a concealed carry permit.
I believe there should be Campaign Finance Reform in our Country at all levels.  This is why I am running my campaign on a low budget and am not collecting donations for my campaign.
I believe in the death penalty for murderous crimes.
I am against our current “no fault divorce” laws. 
I am for tax reform – but will address that in fiscal blog.
Urban Sprawl – against it. 
I am in agreement with 100 percent of the Family Research Council, Concerned Woman of America, Wall Builders, Heritage Institute Ministries, and the American Heritage Foundation.  I also am inspired by our state elected officials – Bob Marshall, Mark Cole, and Ken Cuccinelli on social issues.
If I’ve missed an issue that is important to you and you would like to know where I stand on such issue, send me an email at and I’ll respond in kind and add to this blog.
David Ross

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